Reg. No .:20230100202050
Year : 2022-23

Help The blind

Give a Little And Change a Lot


Every member of Sita Ram Paryavaran Trust believes that by donating a little bit, we can help a lot. Sita Ram Paryavaran Trust is not just an organization but a thought of change. In which we do everything that promotes humanity and brings equality in society and country. We are committed to doing not only what is politically possible but also what is necessary to preserve rainforests, protect the climate and maintain human rights. Sita Ram Paryavaran Trust is a team of people from Rajasthan, who have a desire for social service as well as sympathy for the sufferings of the underprivileged section of the society. As a leading trust in India, we are working for the joint development of women and children who are vulnerable and often neglected. Many non-governmental organizations have come into existence in India in the last few decades.

Our Objectives

Cancer Treatment

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Cloth Donation

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Old Age Homes

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Waste Newspapers

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Animal Welfare

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Drawing Competition

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Child healthcare

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Skill Development

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Child Education

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Environment And Forest

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Food For Every One

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4              संवाद_का_जादू_by_टेरी_फ़ेल्बर.pdf

5              संवाद से सफलता.pdf

6              सर्वोत्तम_जीवन_का_निर्माण.pdf

7              सम्पूर्ण चिकित्सा.pdf

8              समय_का_संक्षिप्त_इतिहास.pdf

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10            सबसे_मुश्किल_काम_सबसे_पहले.pdf

11        सब_सितारों_का_खेल_हैं_प्रीती_शेनॉय.pdf

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14       सफ़लता_का_अचूक_फ़ार्मूला_डॉ_सुधीर.pdf

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17      सन्यासी_जिसने_अपनी_संपत्ति_बेच_दी.pdf

18    सन_1919_की_एक_बात_सआदत_हसन_मंटो.pdf

19            सत्य_के_साथ_मेरे_प्रयोग.pdf

20    सकारात्मक_सोच_की_शक्ती_नॉर्मन_व्हिन्सेंट.pdf

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27            शक्तिदायी विचार (स्वामी विवेकानंद).pdf

28            व्यसन से मुक्ति .pdf

29         व्यक्तित्व_का_संपूर्ण_विकास_स्वामी.pdf

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31            वैराग्य शतक Vairagyashatak.pdf

32            वैदिक गणित.pdf

33            विश्व_एवं_भारत_का_भूगोल.pdf

34    विलियम_शेक्सपियर_की_पांच_सुपरहिट.pdf

35            विज्युलाइजेशन.pdf

36            विजेताओं के 6 रहस्य.pdf

37            वायुपुत्रो की शपथ.pdf

38          वन_नाईट@कॉल_सेंटर_चेतन_भगत.pdf

39            वन_इंडियन_गर्ल_चेतन_भगत.pdf

40            लोटपोट #14.pdf

41         लोगों_को_90_सेकंद_मे_प्रभावित_करे.pdf

42            लोगो_के_बहाने_जवाब_आपके.pdf

43            लीडर के 21 अनिवार्य गुण.pdf

44            लाल_किला_आचार्य_चतुरसेन.pdf

45    लाइफ_चेंजिंग_कोट्स_ऑफ_डॉ_अबरार_मुल्तानी.pdf

46            लव ओर कोम्प्रोमाईज़.pdf

47            लज्जा.pdf

48            लक्ष्य_ब्रैयन_ट्रेसी_BEST_SELLING.pdf

49    रोमियो_एंड_जूलिऐट_विलियम_शेक्सपियर.pdf

50            रोगी_रोग_मुक्त_बिना_दवाई.pdf

51            रोगानुसार_आसन__प्राणायाम.pdf

52            रोग और उनके योग.pdf

53            रेवोल्यूशन 2020 – चेतन भगत.pdf

54            रुक_जाना_नहीं_निशांत_जैन1.pdf

55            रिच_डैड_गाइड_टु_इनवेस्टिग.pdf

56            रिच डेड पुअर डेड.pdf

57            रावण_आर्यव्रत_का_शत्रु_राम_चंद्र.pdf

58            राग दरबारी by Shrilal Shukla.pdf

59            ये_रिश्ते_क्या_है.pdf

60            यू_कैन_आल्सो_स्पीक.pdf

61            युद्ध कला.pdf

62            मोहनदास करमचंद गांधी.pdf

63            मोपला अर्थात मुझे इससे क्या by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar.pdf

64    मैं_सेलिंग_में_असफलता_से_सफलता_तक_कैसे_पहुंचा.pdf

65            मैं_मन_हूँ_दीप_त्रिवेदी_.pdf

66            मैं_क्यों_नहीं_सरल_है_जो_सफल.pdf

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71            मुग़ल हवस के सुल्तान by Vashi Sharma.pdf

72            मिलियन_डॉलर_की_हेरा_फेरी.pdf

73            मांस नहीं माँ – गोहत्या पर हिन्दू प्रतिकार.pdf

74            मानव की निरंतर ख़ोज.pdf

75            माईंड सेट (क्लारो).pdf

76            महापुरुषों की जीवनिया .pdf

77          महानता_का_मार्गदर्शक_रोबिन_शर्मा.pdf

78            मरणोत्तर_जीवन_स्वामी_विवेकानंद.pdf

79            मन_को_वश_में_करने_के_उपाय.pdf

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81            मन की शक्ति.pdf

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83    भूतों_के_देश_मे_आइसलैं_प्रवीण_कुमार_झा.pdf

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88    भारत_का_इतिहास_1740_से_1947_तक.pdf

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91           बोद्ध_धर्म_के_विकास_का_इतिहास.pdf

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94    बिजनेस_में_सफलता_के_51_सूत्र_कम्पलीट.pdf

95       बाल_विकास_जानिए_बच्चों_में_आदर्श.pdf

96    बहुत_दूर,_कितना_दूर_होता_हैं_मानव_कौल.pdf

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115 पुस्तक_कैसे_लिखे_आज_ही_लिखना_शुरू.pdf

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117         निवेश_से_टैक्स_प्रबंधन_तक.pdf

118 नास्तिकों_के_देश_में_नीदरलैंड्स_प्रवीण_झा.pdf

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122         ध्यान के चमत्कार.pdf

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126 _सेवंथ_सिक्रेट_The_Seventh_Secret.pdf

127         _गर्ल_इन_रूम_105_चेतन_भगत.pdf

128 _3_मिस्टेक्स_ऑफ_माय_लाइफ_चेतन_भगत.pdf

129         द गर्ल इन रूम 105.pdf

130         द अलकेमिस्ट .pdf

131         द 10X रुल ग्रँट कार्डोन.pdf

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133         तीन कदम चलिए अमीर बनिये.pdf

134         डार्क_हॉर्स_हिन्दी_उपन्यास_.pdf

135         टॉपर_बनने_का_आसान_तरीका.pdf

136         टेलीसाइकिक्स_डॉ_जोसेफ_मर्फी.pdf

137         टर्निंग_पॉइंट्स_APJ_Abdul_Kalam.pdf

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140 जीवात्मा_जगत_के_नियम_खोरशेद_भावनगरी.pdf

141         जीवन_वृक्ष_APJ_अब्दुल_कलाम.pdf

142 जीवन_के_12_नियम_by_जॉर्डन_बी_पीटरसन.pdf

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165 कुछ_पल_के_लिये_Kuch_Pal_Ke_Liye.pdf

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168 किसी_भी_परीक्षा_मे_सफलता_कैसे_पायें.pdf

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172         कर्मभूमि – प्रेमचंद.pdf

173 कठिनाइयों_में_संभावनाएँ_महत्वाकांक्षी1.pdf

174         औघड़.pdf

175       एक्टर_बनना_है_तो_ये_बातें_जानना.pdf

176         एक_विजेता_की_रणनीति.pdf

177    एक_दिन_में_अत्यंत_तेज_पढ़ना_सीखें.pdf

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179         उपकार 100 कदम सफलता के.pdf

180         ईशावास्योपनिषद.pdf

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182         इंटेली_जेली_भावनात्मक_समझ.pdf

183         आलसी लोगों के लिए हेल्थ मैनेजमेंट फिटनेस के 10 शॉर्टकट.pdf

184 आर_के_नारायण_मालगुड़ी_की_कहानियाँ.pdf

185 आपके_अवचेतन_मन_की_शक्ति_से_आगे.pdf

186    आप_विफलताओं_कैसे_जीत_सकते_हैं.pdf

187         आप_खुद_ही_बेस्ट_हो_अनुपम_खेर.pdf

188 आप_I_A_S_कैसे_बनेंगे_,_डॉ_विजय_अग्रवाल.pdf

189         आप भी लीडर बन सकते हैं.pdf

190         आप भी IAS बन सकते हैं.pdf

191         आधुनिक भारत का इतिहास.pdf

192         आत्मसाक्षात्कार.pdf

193         आत्मकथा- मोहनदास करमचंद गांधी.pdf

194 आज़ादी_की_कहानी_डॉ_विजय_अग्रवाल.pdf

195         आख़री_मुग़ल_विलियम_डॅलरिंपल.pdf

196         आकांक्षा_का_महत्त्व_स्वेट_मार्डेन.pdf

197 आकर्षण_का_नियम_और_स्वास्थ्य_का.pdf

198         आओ_नैनीताल_चलें_यात्रा_वृत्तांत.pdf

199         अस्सी_दिन_मे_दुनिया_का_चक्कर.pdf

200         असफलता क्यों.pdf

201         अमीर_बनने_के_10_सिद्धांत.pdf

202         अभ्यास की शक्ति.pdf

203 अपने_मोबाइल_से_घर_बैठे_लाखों_रुपए.pdf

204       अपने_जीवन_को_11_दिन_में_बदलो.pdf

205         अपने सामने (hindi) – Kunwar Narayan.pdf

206 अपनी_ताकत_को_पहचानों_Motivation.pdf

207         अपना जुगाडी सूक्ष्मदर्शी by Maithil.pdf

208         अनंत चेतना.pdf

209      अधिकतम_सफलता_नेपोलियन_हिल.pdf

210 अंधकार_काल_भारत_में_ब्रिटिश_साम्राज्य.pdf

211         अदम्य_साहस_APJ_अब्दुल_कलाम.pdf

212   अदभुद_गणितज्ञ_श्रीनिवास_रामानुजन.pdf

213         अच्छी_English_लिखना_सीखे.pdf

214         Zero to one hindi.pdf

215         Zero to One (Hindi Edition).pdf

216         Zero To Hero.pdf

217         Zafarnama.pdf

218         YUGANDHAR.pdf

219         You Are A Badass.pdf

220         Yogi Kathamruta.pdf

221         Yog Vashishth by Nandlal Dashora.pdf

222         YES OSHO Magazine.pdf

223         Writings in Hindi Rachanavali by Jyotiba Phule.pdf

224         World History (Hindi).pdf

225         Women Aur Weight Loss Ka Tamasha.pdf

226         Who Will Cry When You Die.pdf

227         Warren Buffett Ke Management Sootra.pdf

228         Warren Buffett (Hindi Edition).pdf

229         Vivekanand Ki Aatmkatha.pdf

230         Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids (Hindi Edition).pdf

231         Vitamin Zindagi by Lalit Kumar.pdf

232         Vitamin Minerals And Amino Acide.pdf

233         Vishwas ki Taqat.pdf

234         Vijetaon ke 6 Nazariye.pdf

235         Vidur Niti – Swargarohan .pdf

236         Vicharo Ka Pravah.pdf

237         Veer Shivaaji.pdf

238         Ve teen upanyas by Maxim Gorki.pdf

239         vashiikarand-a-mantra.pdf

240         Utho Jaago.pdf

241         Upkar General English Grammar Dr Ramphal Nain.pdf

242         Understand mohammad _ muslim.pdf

243         Udaan.pdf

244         Tyag-patra.pdf

245         Twelfth fail by Anurag pathak.pdf

246         Train To Pakistan.pdf

247 TIME_MANAGEMENT_HINDIसमय_प्रबंधन.pdf

248         TIME MANAGEMENT.pdf

249         time management and success.pdf

250         Thomas Alva Edison.pdf

251 Think_with_Me_Hindi_Edition_थिंक.pdf

252         Think and grow rich in hindi.pdf

253         the-secretInHindi.pdf

254         the-Power-of-your-Subconscious-Mind-Hindi.pdf

255         the-5-am-club-hindi-hindi-edition.pdf

256         the_wealth_files_2.pdf

257         the_success_principal.pdf

258         The_richest_man_in_Babylon.pdf

259 The_Psychology_of_Money_Hindi_Edition.pdf


261 The_Heartfulness_Way_Hindi_Hindi.pdf

262 The_Great_Indian_Diet_Hindi_Shilpa.pdf

263         The Young Guard.pdf

264         The Secrets of Stress Free Life.pdf

265         the secret.pdf

266         The Secret Of The Nagas (Hindi).pdf

267         The Secret in Daily life.pdf

268         THE SECRET (Gujarati) – Rhonda Byrne.pdf

269         The Rudest Book Ever.pdf

270         The richest man in Babylon by George Clason.pdf

271         The Rebirth of Buddha (Hindi).pdf

272         The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking.pdf

273         The Power Of Subconcious Mind.pdf

274         The Power Of Habit.pdf

275         The Power Of Focus.pdf

276         The Pareble Of Pipeline.pdf

277         The One Thing (Hindi).pdf

278         The New Oxford Picture Dictionary.pdf

279         The New One Minute Manager.pdf

280         the monk who sold his ferrari.pdf

281         The Monk Who Sold His Ferarri(Hindi).pdf

282         The Miracle of Meditation.pdf

283         The Mastery Manual (Hindi).pdf

284         The Leader Who Had No Title.pdf

285         The Laws of Invincible Leadership.pdf

286         The Laws of Happiness (Hindi).pdf

287         The Law Of Attraction (Hindi Edition).pdf

288         The Inteligent Investor.pdf

289         The Greatness Guide 2 (Hindi).pdf

290         The Greatness Guide (Hindi).pdf

291         The Great Indian Diet (Hindi).pdf

292         The Go-Getter – Kaam se Kamyabi Tak.pdf

293         The Girl in Room 105.pdf

294         The Four Agreements.pdf

295         The cancer.pdf

296         The Business School.pdf

297         The Alchemist.pdf

298         The Adventures of Amitabh Bachchan as Supremo.pdf

299         The 80-20 Principal.pdf

300         The 10X Rool.pdf

301         The 5 am club.pdf

302         The 3 Mistakes of My Life.pdf

303         TELEPSYCHICS (Hindi).pdf

304         Telepshykics.pdf

305         Tejaswi Man (Hindi).pdf

306         Team Work.pdf

307 Tanaav_Mukti_Ke_Saral_Upaye_तनाव.pdf

308 Swett_Marden_Unnati_Ki_Rahe_उन्नति.pdf

309         sweet-sixteen.pdf

310         Swayam Me Vishwas.pdf

311         Swasthya Aur Yogasan.pdf


313         SwadeshiChikitsa-1.pdf

314         Super Success Ke Golden Rules.pdf

315         Super Speed English Speaking Course.pdf

316         Super Ameer Banne ki Master Key_Napolian Hill.pdf

317         Super 30 Aanand.pdf

318         Sunset_Club.pdf

319         Sukhi Jeevan ke 3 Satya (Hindi).pdf

320         Success Mirror.pdf

321 Story_Of_My_Experiments_With_Truth.pdf



324         Start With Why.pdf

325         Start Where You Are.pdf

326         Soor Padawali (Hindi).pdf

327         Solution Hindi.pdf

328         Sochiye Aur Ameer Baniye.pdf

329         Soch Kya Hai (Hindi).pdf

330         Soch Badlo Jindgi Badlo.pdf

331         Sita – Mithila Ki Yoddha Ram Chandra Shrinkhala Kitab 2.pdf

332         Sikandar Ka Rahashya.pdf


334         Shuddh Jivan Jine Ke Mantra.pdf

335         SHREE SHIV LILA by Vanamali.pdf

336         SHREE HANUMAN LILA (Hindi).pdf

337         Shiv by Ashok Sharma.pdf

338         Shikhar Par Milenge (Hindi).pdf

339         Sherlock Holmes ki Utkrisht Kahaniya.pdf

340         Share Market Mein Munafe Ke Mantra (Hindi).pdf

341         Share Market Ke Success Mantra – Saurav Mukharji.pdf

342         Share Market Guide (Hindi).pdf

343         Share Bazar Khazane Ki Chabhi.pdf

344 Shaktiman_Vartaman__The_Power_Of.pdf

345         Shaktidayi Vichar.pdf

346         shakti.pdf

347         Shakti Ke 48 Niyam The 48 Laws of Power LifeFeeling.pdf

348         SHAKTI (Hindi).pdf

349         Shakespear_s 5 kahani.pdf

350         seven-habit.pdf

351         Sepiyance.pdf

352         Self-Made Millioners.pdf

353         Seeta Sochti Thin.pdf

354         Secrets of the Millionaire Mind (Hindi).pdf

355         Secret Shakti.pdf

356         Secret Of Success.pdf

357         Secret Jaadu.pdf

358         Scion Of Ikshvaku (Hindi).pdf

359         Sawal Hi Jawab Hai Hindi.pdf

360         Satya aur Yatharth.pdf

361         Saste Mahenge Ka Manovighyan.pdf

362         Sarvottam Jeevan Ka Nirman Karen (Hindi).pdf

363       Sarthak_Va_Labhkari_Sambandh.pdf

364         sapno ka manovigyan.pdf

365         Sapne Dekho Khuli Aankhon Se.pdf

366         SantKabir.pdf

367         sant sukrant.pdf

368         Sanskruti.pdf



371         sandeep mahaeswari ji ke vichar.pdf

372         Samvad Mein Safalta.pdf

373         Samvad Ka Jaadu.pdf

374         Samriddha Banane Ki Aseem Shakti.pdf

375         Sampurna Chanakya Neeti.pdf


377 Sampannata_ke_Chipe_Hue_Rahasya.pdf

378         Sambhog Se Smadhi Ki Aur.pdf

379         Sambhog Se Samadhi Ki Or.pdf

380         Sambhaji.pdf

381         Samay_ka_Prabandhan.pdf

382         Samay Ka Sankshipt Itihas.pdf

383         Sam Walton (Hindi Edition).pdf

384         Sakaratmak Soch Safalta Ki Shart Hai.pdf

385         Sakaratmak Soch Ki Shakti.pdf

386         Sakaratmak Soch Aur Safalta Ke Mul Mantra.pdf


388         Safaltam Karobariyon Ki Adbhut Kahaniyan.pdf

389         Safalta-Ke-Shikhar-Ki-Sidhiyan by Gita Press.pdf

390         Safalta Ke Sadhan.pdf

391         Safalta Ke Rahashya.pdf

392         Safalta ka Achook Formula (Hindi Edition).pdf


394         Safal Business Ke Funde (Hindi).pdf

395         Sadhana Aur Siddhi.pdf

396         Sachin Tendulkar Ki Aatmkatha.pdf

397         Sabse Mushkil Kaam Sabse Pahele.pdf

398         Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas (Hindi Edition).pdf

399         Saat Rang Ke Sapne.pdf

400         Robin Sharma – The 5 AM Club Hindi.pdf

401         Rigveda (Hindi) ऋग्वेद.pdf

402         rich-dad-poor-dad-hindi-.pdf

403         Rich_Man_Rich_Think.pdf

404         Rich Dad_s Guide to Investing.pdf

405         Rich Dad_s Cashflow Quadrant.Pdf

406         Rich Dad Poor Dad Hindi.pdf

407         Rich Dad Business School.pdf

408         Rhonda Bryne – The Secret Hindi.pdf

409         Retirement Ke Baad Sukhi Jeevan.pdf

410         Retire Young Retire Rich.pdf

411         Recharge Your Life @ NLP (Hindi Edition)Ram Verma.pdf

412     Rashmi_Bansal_Choo_Lo_Aasman.pdf

413         RANI DURGAVATI.pdf

414         Rang-Birangi Kahaniyan (Hindi).pdf

415         Ramayan Ke Amar Patra – Maryada Purushottam Shri Ram.pdf

416         Ramayan Ke Amar Patra Pawanputra Hanuman.pdf

417         Rajyog (Hindi) by VIVEKANANDA.pdf

418         Questions are the Answers (Hindi).pdf

419         Purush Kyun Nahi Sunte aur Mahilayen Kyun Nahi Samajhti (Hindi).pdf

420         Psychic PerceptionThe Magic of Extrasensory Power (Hindi).pdf

421         Prtham aur antim mukti by J krishmurti.pdf

422         Prospecting the power of now.pdf

423         prernamak vichar by apj abdul kalam.pdf

424         Prernadayak Hindi Kahaniya.pdf

425         Prerit karne ke mission par agrasar.pdf

426         Premchand Ki Lokpriya Kahaniyan.pdf

427         Prem Kya Hai, Akelapan Kya Hai (Hindi).pdf

428         Precticle Steps To Think And Grow Rich.pdf

429         Pratham Aur Antim Mukti.pdf


431         Practicing The Power Of Now.pdf

432         Practical Steps to Think and Grow Rich (Hindi).pdf

433         Prabhavshali Selling Ke Sutra (Hindi).pdf

434         Prabhavshali Leadership Ke Sutra.pdf

435         Positive_Soch_Ke_Funde.pdf

436         positive thinking by sarita sharma.pdf

437         Positive Thinking (Hindi).pdf

438         Personality Plus (Hindi).pdf

439         Personality Development Guide.pdf

440         Paul Ki Tirth Yatra (Hindi).pdf

441         Paron ko Khol.pdf

442         PARLOK VIGYAN.pdf

443         paramhans yoganand.pdf

444         Papaman (Hindi) – Nikhil Sachan.pdf

445         Paise Se Paisa Kamana Sikhe Money Wise Hindi.pdf

446         Paise Banane Ke Liye 50 Tareeke Tips Aur Takniko.pdf

447         Pahechaniye Sharir Ki Bhasha.pdf

448         Padho To Aise Padho Dr. Agarwal.pdf

449         PABLO PICASSO – H.pdf

450         One percent formula.pdf

451         One Night the Call Center.pdf

452         Om Mala (Hindi).pdf

453         October Junction by Divya Prakash Dubey.pdf

454         NLP 100 Percent Aatmavishwas Aur Safalta.pdf

455         Nirala Ki Sahitya Sadhana-V-1.pdf

456         Networking Marketing Kitna Sach Kitna Jhuth.pdf

457         Network marketing Sawal Aapke jawab Surya Sinha Ke (Hindi).pdf

458         Network Marketing Judo Jodo.pdf

459         Network Marketing Business Me Aapka Pehla Kadam.pdf

460         Network Marketing (Hindi).pdf

461         Netritva – Shikhar Ki Dagar.pdf

462         Nelson Mandela Life Story.pdf

463         Nehru Exposed.pdf

464         Naye_Daur_Ke_Business_Funde.pdf

465         Naukar Ki Kameez by Vinod Kumar Shukla.pdf

466         Naremdra Modi ke Shaikshanik vichar.pdf

467         Namak Swadanusar by Nikhil Sachan.pdf

468         Naitikta Ka Sukh.pdf

469         Na Bhooto Na Bhavishyati.pdf

470         Mutual Funds se paise kaise kamye.pdf

471         Mushkil Daur Me Aage Badhne Ke 7 Rahashya.pdf

472         Munshi Premchand – The Complete Short Stories.pdf

473         Mujhe Sahishunta mat Sikhao deep trivedi.pdf

474         Mrityu Ek Kalpana He.pdf

475         Mrigtrishna.pdf

476         MLM Success Mantra.pdf

477         Mindset.pdf

478         Mind Management.pdf

479         Millioner Bane.pdf

480         milkar karya karne ke 17 rule.pdf

481 Mera_Cheese_Kisne_Hataya_Who_Moved.pdf

482         Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.pdf

483         Megaliving_ 30 Days to a Perfect Life (Hindi).pdf

484         Me Buddha Bol Raha Hu.pdf

485         Mcdonald Success Story.pdf

486         Maun Muskaan Ki Maar.pdf

487         Matsyagandha Kuruvansh Ki Rajmata.pdf

488         Mata-Pita Aur Bachho Ka Vyavhar.pdf

489 Masiha_Khalil_Gibran_Hindi_मसीहा.pdf

490         Markets and Taxation.pdf

491         Manto Afsanche by Manto.pdf

492         Manthan.pdf

493         Mansarovar by Munshi Premchand.pdf

494         MANN KE CHAMATKAR.pdf

495         Manchahi Safalta Kaise Payen.pdf

496         Man-ki-Baat-Janiye-by-Dr-Samrat-Kar.pdf

497         Man Ki Shaktiya Tatha Jivan-Gathan Ki Sadhnaye.pdf

498         Man ki Baat Janiye by Dr Samrat Kar.pdf

499         Man Ki Atindriya Shakti.pdf

500         MALALAJ- MAR.pdf

501         Maine IIT Meain Jo Nahi Seekha – Campus Se Office Tak Ka Safar.pdf

502         Main Steve Jobs Bol Raha Hoon (Hindi).pdf

503         Main Selling Mein Asaphalta Se Saphalta Tak Kaise Pahuncha.pdf

504         Main Nastik Kyun hai – Bhagat Singh.pdf

505         Main Mann Hoon.pdf

506         Main Krishna Hoon.pdf

507         Main Krishna Hoon Sapno Se Haqeeqat Ka Safar.pdf

508         MAIN KAUN HOON.pdf

509         Main Chanakya Bol Raha Hoon (Hindi).pdf

510         Main Bill Gates.pdf

511         Maila Anchal (Hindi).pdf

512         mai-kaun-hu मैं कौन हूँ .pdf

513         Mahaviri Hanuman Chalisa Demystified.pdf

514         Maharana Pratap.pdf

515         Mahanta Ka Margdarshak.pdf

516         Mahan-Vyaktitwa.pdf

517         Mahabharat Ke Amar Patra kartavyanishtha Kunti.pdf

518         MAHABHARAT – EK DARSHAN.pdf

519         Madhya Pradesh Ka Itihash.pdf

520         Lokvyavhar Me Kushalta.pdf

521         Lok Vyavahar (Hindi Edition).pdf

522 Logon_ko_90_Second_Mein_Prabhavit.pdf

523         Logo Ko Kaise Prabhavit Kiya Jaaye.pdf

524         Logo Ke Man Jitne Ki Kala.pdf

525         LifeMitra.pdf

526         life_changers_100_books.pdf

527   Life_50_सेल्फ_हेल्फ_किताबों_का_सार.pdf

528         Lenin jeevani.pdf

529         Learn English through Hindi – Yogesh Vermani.pdf

530         Learn Basic Information About Stock Market.pdf

531         Leadership_ Kya Aap Khud Ko Dhokha To De Rahe Hain.pdf

532         Leadership Wisdom (Hindi).pdf

533         Leader ke 21 Anivarya Gun (Hindi Edition).pdf

534         Lakshya (Goals).pdf


536         kyun se karen shuruaat.pdf

537         Kyon Kare Network Marketing.pdf

538         Kya Kare Kya Naa Kare.pdf

539         Kundalini_ An untold story (Hindi).pdf

540         Krishnakali by Rajshekhar Basu Parashuram.pdf


542         Krishna Antim Dino Mein.pdf

543         Kiyosaki-Robert-The-Real-Book-of-Real-Estate.pdf

544         kitne pakistan.pdf

545         Kitna Sach Kitna Juth.pdf

546         Kisi Bhi Pariksha Me Safalta Kaise Paaye.pdf

547 Khud_Se_Prem_Karo_Hindi_Edition.pdf

548         Khud Ko Heal Karne Ke 111 Mantra.pdf

549         KHOJ by osho hindi.pdf

550         Kavita ke naye partiman.pdf

551         Kautilya Arthshastra (Hindi).pdf

552         Kaun Royga Aapko Mrityu Par.pdf

553         Kathnaiyo Me Sambhavnaye.pdf

554         Karmayog (Hindi).pdf

555         karm yog.pdf

556         Karl Marks Jeevan Aur Sikshaye.pdf

557       Kan_Kan_Kedaar_कण_कण_केदार.pdf

558         Kamyabi Unlimited.pdf

559 kahaniyan_woh_shakhs_jisne_mark.pdf

560 Kadwe_Kathan_कड़वे_कथन_जो_जीना_सीखा1.pdf

561         KADVE PRAVACHAN.pdf

562         Kabir Bijak_ Sampoorna Kabir Vaani.pdf

563         Kabeer ke Management Sootra.pdf

564         kaam-aur-kaam- H.pdf

565         Jyoti_se_jyoti_jale.pdf

566         Jungle ke davedar upanyas by Mahashweta devi.pdf

567         Judo Jodo Jeeto.pdf

568         Josh Se Hi Sara Farq Padta Hai.pdf

569         Joothan-2 by Om Prakash Valimiki.pdf

570         Joothan-1 by Om Prakash Valimiki.pdf

571     Job_Interview_Jatil_Sawal_Sateek.pdf

572 Jo_Chahoge_Vo_Paoge__Safal_Hone.pdf

573         Jiyo_To_Aise_Jiyo.pdf

574         Jivan Parichay – Dr. Kumar Vishwas.pdf

575         Jine ke Rahasya.pdf

576         Jin Khoja Tin Paiyan – Osho.pdf

577         JHA SAHIB- Shirdi Ke Saibaba (Hindi).pdf

578         Jeevan_ke_999_Kadwey_Sabak.pdf

579 Jeevan_ke_365_Sabak_365_Motivational.pdf

580 Jeevan_Jeene_Ki_Kala_Hindi_Edition.pdf

581         jeevan ke unayan ke 11 commands.pdf

582         Jeevan Ke Arth Ki Talash Me Manushya.pdf

583         Jeevan Aur Mrityu.pdf

584         Jeevan Adbhut Hai.pdf

585         Jeetne Ka Nazariya.pdf

586         jeet_aapki.pdf

587         Jeet Ka Jashan.pdf

588         Jeene Ki Raha (Hindi).pdf

589         Jaya Mahabharat.pdf

590         Jay yodheya by Rahul Sankrityayan.pdf

591         Ishwar Kya Hai (Hindi).pdf

592         Invincible Thinking.pdf

593         Introduction to Stock Markets .pdf

594         Inner Engineering.pdf

595         Indian Business Women.pdf

596         Ikkisvi Sadi Ka Lok Vyavahar.pdf

597         Ikigai-Ek Lambi Aur Khushhaal Jindgi Jeene Ka Japani Tarika.pdf

598         Ibrahim Linkan.pdf

599         I_m Fine_ Spirit (Hindi).pdf

600         Hum Honge Kamyab (Hindi).pdf

601         Hum Apko Ameer Kyon Banana Chahte Hain.pdf

602         How-to-Invest-In-Shares-With-Only-Rs.5000.pdf

603 How_To_Stop_Working_And_Start_Living.pdf

604 How_to_Live_on_24_Hours_a_Day_हर_दिन_24_घंटे_कैसे_जियें.pdf

605         how to read fast in 1 day.pdf

606         How to Live on 24 Hours a Day.pdf

607         How To Attract Money.pdf

608         Hospital se Zinda Kaise Lote by Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury.pdf

609 Homo_Deus_A_Brief_History_of_future.pdf


611         hindi-sahitya-ka-itihas.pdf

612         Hindi Typing Book by Ratnesh Kumar.pdf

613         Hindi Ka Lokpriya Sahitya.pdf

614         Hindi – Train to Pakistan.pdf

615         HERO (Hindi).pdf

616         Heart Thoughts.pdf

617         Heart Mafia by Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury.pdf

618         Health.pdf

619         Harfanmaula.pdf

620         Har path vijay path Nepolian hill.pdf

621         Har Kisi Ki Hoti He Kahaani.pdf

622         har din 24 ghante kaise jiye.pdf

623         Half Girlfriend – Chetan Bhagat.pdf

624         Gyanyog (Hindi).pdf

625 Gunahon_Ka_Devta_गुनाहों_का_देवत.pdf

626         Gulzar.pdf

627         gulamgiri-in-hindi.pdf

628         Gravity Number.pdf

629         Gorki ki kahaniyan.pdf

630         Gora.pdf

631         Gora .pdf

632         Google Success Story.pdf

633         Gharelu Chikitsa By Rajeev Dixit.pdf

634         Get Smart! (Hindi).pdf

635         gandhi-katha-Hindi.pdf

636         Gahan Antriksha Paravtran.pdf

637         Futures Trading.pdf

638         Five Point Someone (Hindi).pdf

639         Fish (Hindi).pdf

640         Fire Of Morivation.pdf

641         Few Things Left Unsaid by Sudeep Nagarkar.pdf

642         faraday-h.pdf

643         Family Wisdom (Hindi).pdf

644         English Teacher.pdf

645         End of Days by Sylvia Browne hindi.pdf

646         Eleven Commandments of Life Maximization.pdf

647         Ek Din Tumse Mila Tha.pdf

648         Ek Adabhut Jeevan Kahani – Part-2.pdf

649         Ek Adabhut Jeevan Kahani – Part-1.pdf

650         E-Book No Negative Zindagi.pdf

651         Dynamic Memory Methods.pdf

652         Dr. Kumar Vishwas – Koi Deewana Kehta Hai.pdf


654         Discover Your Destiny (Hindi).pdf

655 DIGITAL_MARKETING_GUIDE_डिजिटल_मार्केटिंग.pdf

656         Dhyaan (Hindi).pdf

657         Dhoop ke Sikke Ek Kavyamay Yatra.pdf

658         Dheerubhai Ambani.pdf

659         Dharti Se Sitaron Tak Pehli Yatra.pdf

660        Dhanvan_To_Banna_Hi_Chahiye.pdf

661         DHAN KO AAKARSHIT KAISE KAREN (Hindi).pdf

662   Designing_Destiny_Hindi_Niyati_Ka.pdf

663         Dekh Lenge Yaar (Hindi Edition).pdf

664         Daulat Aur Safalta Ki Raah.pdf

665         Dark Room.pdf

666         Dark Horse Ek Ankahi Dastan.pdf

667         Dar Ke Aage Jeet He.pdf

668         Dainik Prerna.pdf

669         Daaru Choro Hindi.pdf

670         cycle.pdf

671         Currency, Commodity, and Government Securities.pdf

672         Corporate Chanakya (Hindi).pdf

673         Collage Dropout Arabpatio Ki Prerak Kahaniya.pdf

674         Chuni Hui Kavitayen (Hindi).pdf

675         Chinta Chhodo Sukh Se Jeeyo.pdf

676         Charlie Chaplin Biography Hindi.pdf

677         Chandra Shekhar Aazad.pdf

678         Chanakya’s Chant (Hindi).pdf

679         Chanakya Niti Darpane(Sanskrit).pdf

680         Chanakya Neeti (Hindi).pdf

681         Chanakya in You (Hindi).pdf

682         Chanakya – 7 Secrets of Leadership.pdf

683         Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (Hindi).pdf

684         Captain Cool Mahendrasinh Dhoni Ki Kahaani.pdf

685         Business School (Hindi).pdf

686         Business Kohinoor _ Ratan Tata.pdf

687         Buland Iraade Nischit Kamyaabi.pdf

688         Buffett _ Graham Se Seekhen Share Market Mein.pdf

689         Buddhiman Vyapari.pdf

690         Buddha and his Dhamma.pdf

691         Brian Tracy_Safal Selling Ka Manovigyan.pdf

692         Brahmacharya (Hindi).pdf

693         Body Language (Hindi).pdf

694         Bhavishya Me Business Karne Ke Success Mantra.pdf

695         bhasan kala.pdf

696         Bhartiya Sasnkriti ke Naveen Aayam.pdf

697         Bharatiyata Ki Ore Sanskriti aur Asmita ki Adhuri Kranti.pdf

698         Bharat-ki-Khoj.pdf

699         Bharat vs Pakistan – Hum Kyon Dost Nahi Ho Sakte.pdf

700         Bharat Vikhandan [Breaking India].pdf

701         Bharat Vibhajan sardaar patel (Hindi).pdf

702         Bharat Ke Pavitra Teerthsthal (Hindi).pdf

703         Bharat Ka Veer Yoddha Maharana Pratap.pdf

704         Bharat Bacho Aandolan.pdf

705         Bhaktiyoga.pdf

706         Bhagya Ke Rahashya.pdf

707         BHAGWAT KI KATHAYEN (Hindi).pdf

708         bhagwat geeta.pdf

709         Bhagwad Gita.pdf

710         Bhagavad-Gita (Hindi).pdf

711         Bhagavad Gita (Hindi).pdf

712         Bhagat Singh Posters Hindi by NBS.pdf

713         Bhagat Singh Jail Diary.pdf

714         Beyond the Power of your Subconscious Mind.pdf

715         Benjamin Franklin Ki Atmakatha.pdf

716         Believe In Yourself.pdf

717         Being Different in Hindi.pdf

718         Bechna Sikho Aur Safal Bano.pdf

719         Bang On In Network Marketing 2.0.pdf

720 Badi_Badi_Khushiyon_Ki_Chhoti_Chhoti.pdf

721         Babylon Ka Sabse Amir Aadmi.pdf

722         Babarnama.pdf

723         Baatein Jo Aapko Network Marketing Me Nahi Sikhai Jati.pdf

724         Azadi Ki Khoj – Jiddu Krishnamurti.pdf

725         Azad_Hind_Fauj_Ki_Kahani.pdf

726 Ayurvedic_Uniani_Homeopathy_Medicine.pdf

727         Aughad (Hindi).pdf

728         attitude is everything.pdf

729         Atomic Habits (Hindi).pdf

730         Atmavishwas (Hindi).pdf


732         Atithi (Hindi) by Shivani.pdf


734         Ati Prabhavkari Logon ki 7 Aadtein.pdf

735         Ati Prabhav Kari Logon Ki Saat Aadaten Hindi.pdf

736         Ashwin Sandhi – Acche Ank Paane Ke 13 Pakke Tarike.pdf

737         as a man thinks.pdf

738         As A Man Thinketh (Hindi).pdf

739         Articles on women liberation.pdf

740         Arise, Awake.pdf

741         Apreshit Patra (Hindi).pdf

742 Apni_Personality_Ko_Pehchane_Hindi.pdf

743         Apni Team ke Leaders ko Viksit Kaise Karen.pdf

744         Apne Ko Pahechane.pdf

745         Apne Bheetar Chhupe Leader ko Kaise Jagayein.pdf

746         Apna Sudhar Sansaar Ki Sabse Badi Seva.pdf

747         Apna Drashtikon Thik Rakhe.pdf

748         Apki Zindagi Sirf Ek Minute Mein Badal Sakti Hai(Hindi).pdf

749         apj-abdul-kalam-biography-pdf-in-hindi.pdf

750         Apani Soch Se Ameer Baniye.pdf

751         Apani Aatmashakti Ko Pahchanen.pdf

752         Antar Shanti Ki Awaaz – Stillness Speaks.pdf

753         ANNE – H.pdf

754         Anko Me Chhipa Bhavishya.pdf

755         Andrew Carnegie.pdf

756         Anant Chetna Ki Khoj Mein (Hindi).pdf

757         Anand Ka Saral Marg (Hindi).pdf

758         ANAAM-Krantikari Technician _ Steve Jobs.pdf

759         Ameer Banne Ke 13 Pakke Tareeke.pdf

760         Ameer Aadmi Ameer Soch.pdf

761         Amazon की सफलता.pdf

762         Amar Shaheed Bhagat Singh.pdf

763         Albert Einstein (Hindi)(1).pdf

764         Albert Einstein (Hindi).pdf

765         Aisi Vani Boliye.pdf

766         Agnidiksha upanyas – How the steel was tempered by Nikolai Ostrovsky.pdf

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Free Donation Certificate

Blind centers are important for providing specialized education, training, and support to individuals with visual disabilities. They offer tailored programs focusing on essential life skills, such as Braille literacy, mobility training, and adaptive technology use, empowering blind individuals to lead independent lives. These centers also serve as socialization hubs, fostering a sense of community and combating isolation.

As we live in this modern era of busy scheduled life style and self-interested thinking, our sense of responsibility towards our society should be our priority to enhance for the development of our country. Seeta Ram environmentals  is an Trust that make a difference in your life and society. We focus on encouraging young empowerment and financing education and health care facilities for blind children, and we welcome everyone who believes in a better future to join us and begin working right away.


We provide a platform for those who sincerely want to come forward, contribute, and participate in the nation’s development. Sankalp is a groundbreaking initiative in India that strives to empower blind people in all aspects of their lives. Our non-profit organization also sponsors various healthcare and educational programs to assist blind youngsters.

  • Bhikhsa – Varati Khatam & Sabhi ko Shiksha – Khana – Rojgar – Saman – Samman  Adhikar Jan – Jagruti Lana.

(Sitaram Environment Trust’s campaign to end beggary and provide education, employment and food to all)

Compulsory education will be given to all children between 4 to 25 years within the year 02/02/2023. People ranging from 1 day to 80 years will be given food three times a day and will be given employment.

Sitaram Environmentals Trust has launched District Beggary Ending-Employment-Food Program in 2023 as a campaign to end beggary and provide employment-food to all. Ending the District Beggary-Employment-Food Program 2023. To eliminate beggary and provide basic food in backward districts. In this, we will provide food to the people three times a day and will make every possible effort to provide them new employment by enrolling their children in school and paying their fees. We want to give them a new path by providing them food, clothes and books. With three meals a day available, we don’t feel they need to beg. If we provide them employment. That’s why we don’t think they need to beg. We will make every possible effort to bring all other organizations along with us to achieve this objective and request the general public not to give them any kind of money. So that they cannot hide their abilities and cannot become a hindrance in the progress of the country.

If you stop giving them alms. So, these people can start some new work and live their life with respect in the society. With your initiative we can solve many problems like child kidnapping. As long as you guys keep helping them with money. Till then, people with criminal tendencies (kidnappers) will continue to kidnap these innocent boys and girls, mutilate their body parts and make them helpless and make them beg.

Therefore, we will be able to provide them relief from this problem by providing them food, employment, education and many other types of assistance. It aims to strengthen infrastructure, enhance quality and provide support for teacher training.

1. Example: As long as you keep giving alms. Till then, kidnapping organizations will continue to run their business by kidnapping these innocent children. To end the District Bhiksha Vrati and Employment Program keeping in mind their primary needs like food, education and employment. Will try to solve all these problems. And will select specific districts for improvement. For example, a district with low literacy rates and inadequate infrastructure may receive additional resources, job-training programs for teachers, and initiatives to increase student enrollment.

    We provide facilities like accommodation, food, clothes and toys etc., so we need support from all of you. The clothes and toys you donate can bring smiles to the faces of our children. Please help as much as possible.

Education is a fundamental right of everyone. It plays an important role in personal development, societal progress, and economic growth. It helps individuals to gain knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities necessary for navigating life’s challenges and opportunities. Seeta Ram Environmentals Trust is India’s leading Child Education Trust providing free of cost stationary and education for poor kids to empowers them to dream big., to break free from the shackles of their circumstances, and to shape their own destinies. But why is early childhood education so crucial for children from underprivileged backgrounds? how do we educate those whose voices are often unheard? Lets talk about all these doubts and how Nirmala Foundation helped hundreds of poor children to get there education free of cost.

Shiksha par Sab Ka Aadhar

We understands that early child education is the crucial foundation of learning during a child’s formative years. Here our Trust, plays a vital role in this by offering hundreds of underprivileged children free education. Through dedicated efforts, we provide a nurturing environment and quality education, ensuring that these young minds receive the best start in life. With your support, Seeta Ram Environmentals Trust has become a beacon of hope, breaking barriers and empowering poor children to access education without financial constraints. Together, we’ve made a significant impact, giving countless children the opportunity to learn and build a brighter future.

 Our Free Education Centers for Poor Students

Education is vital for poor children as it breaks the cycle of poverty, opening doors to better opportunities. Seeta Ram Environmentals Trust recognizes this, providing hundreds of underprivileged children with free education. Our Trust believes in empowering through knowledge, ensuring every child has access to quality education irrespective of their financial background. By offering free education, we’ve positively impacted the lives of countless children, giving them a chance for a brighter future. Your support enables us to continue this mission, transforming the lives of these youngsters and contributing to a more equitable society.

Sponsor a Child Education at Rs 400 per/month?

Educating poor children is at the heart of Seeta Ram Environmentals Trust’s mission. Our dedicated education centers in Ajmer, Jaipur, and Pune, Delhi, offer a nurturing environment for learning. With community support and your contributions, we’ve removed financial barriers, allowing these children to access quality education. Support us in this cause so that we can facilitate more and more child to get there primary education at least.

So, come forward and contribute because even a small contribution can make a huge difference as well as help educating the children in India.

We aim to become a center of excellence for residential housing societies, educational institute, corporate houses, shopping malls and hospitals through eco-friendly waste management techniques and act as an effective catalyst in maintaining efficiency in logistic chain by involving waste generators, Kabadiwalas, bulk scrap dealers and recyclers together to ultimately provide all the required assistance to our end beneficiaries who are mostly neglected in spite of being one of the greatest contributor of our eco-system i.e. rag pickers and their family members.

We have many such children and people. To whom we provide facilities like medical care, accommodation, food, clothes and toys etc., so we need the cooperation of all of you.  The clothes and toys you donate can bring smiles to the faces of our children. Please help as much as possible.


Special needs children are those children who are physically disabled, mentally retarded, who have speech and language impairment, emotional disability and learning disability. 

  1. Physical disability:  refers to problems like epilepsy, vision problem, hearing problem, chronic asthma.
  2. Mentally retarded: refers to problems like autism, processing syndrome and down syndrome. 
  3. Speech and language impairment: refers to problems like not being able to express and speak properly.
  4. Emotional disability: refers to being antisocial and not being able to express feelings.
  5. Learning disability: refers to problems where the child’s mind is not able to process information from their senses.

What are the challenges faced by children with special needs?

Children with special needs are:

  1. Made fun of.
  2. Bullied.
  3. Sexually abused.
  4. Secluded from being social.
  5. Face problem in making friends.
  6. Face loneliness.
  7. Face comments like “he/she is mad, leave it”


What are the challenges faced by parents of children with special needs?

Parents who have children with disability face a lot of challenges especially the mothers:

  1. Stress: Parents are usually very stressed out in the whole process as they have to take care of children, go to therapies with children. According to 2007 Census survey data, more than 41 million India, or about 15% of the population aged 5 and older, have some form of impairment. According to the Census Bureau, 6.2% of children aged 5 to 15, or 2.8 million children, have impairments. Especially the mother of the child gets really stressed out in the whole process.
  2. Become antisocial: As these children need special attention day and night parents are unable to get any time for social interaction like talking to friends and going out.
  3. Sadness and difficulty in accepting: Parents of special needs when get to know about their children’s disability usually don’t want to accept it and start to grief over. As they had certain dreams for their child and suddenly all gets shattered. 
  4. Feeling of fear: Parents always fear that what will happen next? What will be my child’s future? What should we do to help my son/ daughter? Will I be able to make my child’s life happy, safe and secure? How will I protect my child from the negativity of the world?
  5. Always have guilt: Parents always have a guilt of am I doing enough for my child whenever they see that their child is not making any improvements in their behaviour. Parents usually want everything to happen at once. 


What can parents do to help their special needs child?


  1. Notice the red flags: First and foremost, step is to notice the red flags in your child’s behaviour. If your child shows anything unusual talk about it with your spouse and other family members. If you are a working mother then, in this case, it may happen that the caregiver or other family members under whom your child is taken care of, they may see the red flags and inform you about it. Like, the child not responding when called by name, or laughs the whole day without getting tired, sit and move round and round or are unable to respond or speak or unable to walk or run unlike other kids of their age. These signs can be seen at an early age.
  2. Seek help:In this situation, you must first visit the doctor. After that, if the doctor says anything positive seeing the reports about the child’s disability then go to the therapist. Therapists are of great help. You may be sad and would not accept that your child as special needs child, but when the doctor and other people are recommending you to seek help then you must not ignore the signs because one person can be wrong not all of them. Look for a good therapist. Go with your child to the clinic and sit with them. Look how the counselling or therapy is being done. Say a big no to the therapists who asks you to leave the child with them and go. Also, if your child does not seem to be happy and does not show improvement after visiting the therapist, like the child is constantly crying; this also shows that the therapist is not good enough for them. So, in this case, change the therapist. Seek help from your friends and family members. Be friends with parents of special needs children. Talk, share and learn from them. If you don’t know anything about the disability for example autism, then read articles, talk to your counsellor or therapist, and read books to gain knowledge about it.
  3. Believe in yourself and your child:Don’t rely only on therapy because therapy is only for a few hours. Give time to your child at home too. Play with your child and teach them certain things. For example, most children cry or shout or get angry when they need something or want your attention. Teach them to tap your shoulder or come to you and show signs whenever they need something from you. Don’t expect things to happen all at once. Taking care of a child with special needs requires patience and understanding. Every child is different as an individual. Don’t compare them with other kids of their age and get sad saying “her child is walking and speaking and mine is not able to do the same.” Therapies will take its time and your child will show improvement, just believe in yourself and your child. If you will stay positive and happy then your child will automatically stay happy and positive.
  4. Take out some me-time for yourself:It’s very important to take care of yourself. As mentioned earlier if you will be happy then your child will automatically be happy. Don’t stress too much on why things are not happening as you wanted. Let your children take their own time to develop. Take out time for yourself. For example, set a time at morning before your child gets up and do your favourite exercise or meditate, have coffee or tea, read books, listen to your favourite music and just relax for few minutes. This can be done any time on a daily basis. Just find out a suitable time for yourself and relax a little. It’s okay to take breaks. This will keep you motivated and you will not feel exhausted.
  5. Socialize: Socialize with others. Go on a walk with your child in the afternoon, with your friend and your friend’s child. Let your child socialize with others. This will help in increasing your child’s level of comfort and will make them happy. Most importantly, other people will also know how to behave and mix with special needs children. Go to birthdays and other parties with your child. Just try not to limit your child and yourself to home and therapy clinic.
  6. Education: Education plays the most important part of everyone’s life and so in special needs children too. Search for schools which give admission to special needs children. Try to get admission when you feel your child is ready for school. Don’t be in a hurry. Another option is you can provide education to your child at home too with the help of teachers. This will help them flourish in the subjects they like as their will be no time limit, no boundaries to play, no restrictions etc. Play and educate your child. As children love to play and enjoy so they will learn easily. If your preference is school, then make sure that your child is not kept aside or say secluded from others. See whether there is coordination between the teacher and the coordinator. Ask the school to organize meetings on a regular basis and seminars too. This will help you know your child’s strengths and weaknesses. 
  7. Understand your child: Taking care of special needs children is like taking care of a new-born child. You understand what your child likes and dislikes, what makes them angry, what makes them happy by giving them opportunities. Thus, understand your child, give them opportunities, try not to limit them and then analyse their behaviour.
  8. Love your child unconditionally:Love is the foremost thing when a child looks up to the parents. Don’t get angry with them. If they understand slowly then explain them slowly and little by little. Don’t hurt them saying anything unusual and don’t allow other family members and friends to hurt them too.  If there is a sibling then teach them to respect and love his/her special needs brother/sister.


Every child is special in their own way. Don’t treat them as a burden. They are the ones who will love you the most and they will make you a patient and understanding person. Count the little things in your life rather than seeking happiness on big and luxurious things, if you stay positive then things will go positive, your child will be positive and ultimately will show improvement in them.



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